Do not forget the initial heart, lead the way forward

Source: Dragon Wave     Release Time: 2019-06-20     Views: 513 Times

On the afternoon of July 1, I visited and studied at the Memorial Hall of the Communist Manifesto and received on-the-spot education. In the pavilion, everyone carefully visited the six parts of the memorial, such as "Red Ghost", "Lion awake" and "Red Collection".

A large number of precious pictures, documents and historical objects fully demonstrate the history of the first Chinese version of the Communist Manifesto, dissemination and guidance of the Chinese revolution, and under the leadership of the "Declaration", the people of Liuji are unyielding and devoted themselves to the revolutionary struggle, and The revolutionary spirit of active entrepreneurship in the new era. Everyone is deeply impressed by the rich and profound exchanges, the current happy life and the current development of the company.

More than ten years since the establishment of the party branch of the company, we have always paid attention to the construction of grassroots organizations and the cultivation of party members. While continuously improving the ideological and political qualities of the old party members, we have absorbed new party members, and the ranks of party members have become stronger. The fighting bastions of various party branches and party members The role of vanguard model is obvious. Since the beginning of this year, in order to promote the institutionalization of the "thematic party day" learning and education, the company's party branch has organized various types of party members' theme activities in accordance with its own reality, enriched the party building activities and improved the party organization's cohesiveness and combat effectiveness. Through this red-faced theme party day event, the party members have a more intuitive and authentic feeling, which further embodies the hearts of the people and encourages morale. The theme party day study and education is more efficient and in-depth. It is believed that in the production management of the latter enterprises, the party members and cadres of the company will play a vanguard and exemplary role, leading the company to develop healthily, rapidly and steadily on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.